
How Important Are Recruitment Reference Checks ?

How Important Are Recruitment Reference Checks ?

Decoding the myths surrounding recruitment reference checks

In the last decade or so the entire process of recruitment reference checks has not only became an integral part of HR department and various recruitment agencies but also the mainstream media in a big way. Who can forget the much talked about Yahoo scandal that raised eyeballs a few years ago? As one of the leading offshore recruitment process outsourcing company let us be very clear that conducting reference checks is an absolutely vital part of any hiring process.

What’s the need?

The need for recruitment reference checks can hem in a wide variety of subject usually concerning searches such as Driving records, Criminal history, Licensing and Education verification as well as personal credit history. And for a social media generation job candidate’s online presence check is also included as part of the reference check procedure.

Now that we are clear about the basics of the process it is important to understand the various rumours encompassing reference checking for the perspective of both employers and employees’. But our experts at Glocal RPO have the following facts busting the long-held myths:

  • Reference checks don’t matter:

A recently published report suggested candidate fraud costs UK businesses a staggering 2 billion pounds a year (really highly preventable). Using a CV alone as a benchmark for hiring candidates can cause businesses to a great extent. Reference checks not only reduces hiring cost but ensures high talent and a better fit for the role.

  • Suggesting a “bad’ recruitment reference is prohibited:

As long as the employees don’t suggest a reference with the misleading or incorrect information they can on their part give a negative reference.

  • Employees have the right to check their references:

There is no liability on any company for this.

  • Recruitment Reference checking is the last step:

Are you also one of the companies who see reference checks as an afterthought? It’s imperative to understand that these checks are performed to bridge the gap between hiring and onboarding process. Checking a candidate’s credentials in advance smoothens out the entire process and ensures. Weeding our unscrupulous candidates can reduce costs further down the line.

Glocal RPO is a revolutionary offshore recruitment process outsourcing company providing compelling, quality, speedy, and cost-saving recruiting solutions. Learn more and send us your immediate queries: www.glocalrpo.com | +1 425 818 0748 | info@glocalrpo.com




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